Thursday, September 10, 2009

Ministry Relocated to Pennsylvania for One Year

This may come as a surprise to a lot of people who know Cephas and me because we have continually traveled for fourteen years together. The longest stop we had was a six month stay in Mount Shasta, California in 2003. While it was great fun living in such a spectacular place, the road called us to embrace yet another mission.We're not sure why the Holy Spirit brought us "home" to the place of my birth, but we are positive it is connected to working with family and meeting new people in my hometown. Cephas and I are anxious to strengthen our roots with our family so we'll be focusing that effort from a stationery home in Altoona for one year. Beyond one year, we don't know what will happen.

If you are unfamiliar with our ministry work aside from the angels for Gabriel campaign, visit our website at Angels of The Light. Keep in mind that the website has not been updated in awhile, so bear with us as we play catch up. We've been in town less than two weeks and just rented a house two days ago, so we're still moving in, cleaning and unpacking and grounding ourselves.

We'll be posting updates on the stories about Gabriel and on the new foundation in his name Angels for Gabriel. Watch for a lot of work being done through Jesus Christ in honor of this little soul who has returned to be with Him. 

Our dear sister Jan is very ill and needs some intensive surgery, so we'll be writing about this experience and asking for your prayers. We want to launch an angels campaign in her honor. Please mail cards to her now at Angels of The Light Interfaith Ministry, 360 South 4th Avenue PMB 234 Pocatello, Idaho 83201. Mark on the back of the envelope "Angels for Janis" and we'll make sure she receives them. If you want a confirmation or reply, please supply a return address or send your email to

Our foundation will be launched before Christmas so please return here often to watch for updates.

God bless and keep you.
The Midnight Writer



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