Thursday, April 8, 2010
Insurance with Good Benefits - Assurance avec de bons avantages
Posted by TheMidnightWriter at Thursday, April 08, 2010Je fonde une compagnie qui offre l'assurance d'assurance peu coûteuse en cas de la maladie ou des dommages qui vous mettent dans l'hôpital. Ils offrent des citations libres pour les prestations-maladie contractées qui couvrent les dépenses d'une admission d'hôpital non planifiée. Parlez à un représentant au sujet de mutuelle hospitalisation à découvrent quelles dépenses sont remboursables. Ils promettent de donner des remboursements rapidement sur toutes les dépenses d'hôpital telles que certains taux de pièce. Leur assurance n'est pas chère ainsi elle est accessible pour les personnes des revenus divers qui sont plus d'a pour les personnes âgées et les gens sur des revenus. Vous n'aurez pas besoin de s'inquiéter des critères de réunion sur des conditions préexistantes parce qu'ils n'exigent pas un questionnaire médical. Si vous voulez l'assurance pour des frais de voyage ou la TV dans votre utilisation de chambre ou de téléphone, l'assurance mutuelle a une politique travaillée pour toi. Un contrat signé garantit que vous obtiendrez les avantages d'hospitalisation que vous avez besoin et voulez. Visitez leur site Web pour découvrir plus.
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I found a company that offers inexpensive insurance coverage in the event of sickness or injury that puts you in the hospital. They offer free quotes for contracted health benefits that cover the expenses of an unplanned hospital admission. Talk to a representative about mutuelle hospitalisation to find out what expenses are refundable. They promise to give refunds quickly on all hospital expenses such as certain room rates. Their coverage is not expensive so it is affordable for people of varied incomes which is a plus for the elderly and people on fixed incomes. You won't need to worry about meeting criteria on pre-existing conditions because they do not require a medical questionnaire. If you want coverage for travel expenses or TV in your room or phone usage, Mutual Insurance has a policy tailored for you. A signed contract guarantees that you will get the hospitalization benefits you need and want. Visit their website to find out more.
Labels: health insurance
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
The Elderly need Adequate Health Insurance Coverage
Posted by TheMidnightWriter at Tuesday, April 06, 2010Elderly people in retirement face many challenges in their lives and health care is one that affects them greatly. Most retired people have some type of insurance such as Medicare but it usually is not enough to cover added medical expenses incurred by a sudden illness. That's where medicare supplements are useful because these private insurance supplements like AARP will pay the costs that are not covered by the state subsidized by Medicare.
My parents had a tough time paying for my mother's illness because she suffered with leukemia for two years. Her treatments were not covered by the Medicare coverage so she turned to using alternative supplemental insurance and special health grants from private foundations. My parents had to pay a deductible before the supplemental coverage would pick up the tab. It helped them a lot though because they relied on this extra help after they consolidated all their debts and took out special loans for her treatments.
I was happy to see the extra savings in every day life that came with AARP and other Senior discounts or incentive programs through private insurance. I would recommend that every one check out the possible insurance programs that will be able to handle those unexpected medical expenses after retirement.
Labels: health
We Send our Prayers to the Mexicali Earthquake Victims
Posted by TheMidnightWriter at Tuesday, April 06, 2010
A 7.2 major earthquake struck Mexicali about 30 miles from Baja, California on Easter Sunday, April 4, 2010. It's shaking was felt all the way to San Diego, California to the west and as far east as Phoenix, Arizona. Damage was widespread but minimal for a quake of its size, depth and power. Thank God for His loving mercy. Many people suffered damage to their homes and some people lost their lives. Our prayers go out to all who were touched or affected by this earthquake.
According to the latest report, two people died in Easter's quake and damage to structures occurred on both sides of the Mexico/America border. Buildings reportedly shook from San Diego to Las Vegas, Nevada. People in Phoenix, Arizona tweeted that they felt the shaking, too. A separate quake struck San Diego that was about a 6 on the rhicter scale. This earthquake was greater in magnitude than the one in Chile, but it caused less damage and very little loss of life compared to potential disaster it could have wreaked. It is summised that the depth, location and rural areas close to the epicenter reduced the size of this tragedy.
A geologist gives a lucid explanation of this earthquake based upon information available at this time. Studies are being conducted to determine which fault triggered this quake since the region in question is the center for a cluster of faults that merge. Here is the video if you want to know what seismologists/geologists are saying.
Labels: disasters