Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Wee Hours in the Morning on Deadline Day

Good morning all you special people who have shown your various expressions of love and compassion through words, comfort by being there or by donations for this most special cause. Gabriel is indeed a beautiful soul.

(White) Raven and I (Summer Breeze) are sitting in Yreka figuring how much needs manifested for tomorrow by the deadline quoted by the funeral home to pay the balance on the coffin. Rounded off figures without calculating any donations not in hand we estimate that we still need $800.00 just for the coffin, give or take a few dollars. We'll tabulate exact amounts in the morning because it's hard to hold my laptop while sitting in the van's front seat with it on my lap. It makes me wonder why they call it a laptop. ha ha ha

The burial plot is approximately $1584.00 by the last estimate. At this time, there are no donations toward this part of the service for Gabriel because we are focusing on part one, get the coffin paid so Gabriel can be transported from Yreka to Arcata. The burial will take place on Thursday, June 4th in the Greenwood Cemetery in Arcata at 4:20 pm. I'll post address and directions tomorrow.

More photos of Gabriel arrived in my email inbox from Melissa, a friend of Woodstock's who is helping out at his house. I'll post those soon.

We're very busy running this fundraiser online and in person placing flyers all over Mount Shasta and Yreka and talking to people one on one. I spend many hours online updating, tweeting, plurking and announcing this cause on facebook and groups.

UPDATE: We are taking this Angels for Gabriel Memorial Foundation to new heights. All details will be posted after dear Gabriel is laid to rest. For now, all attention needs to be on him.

Watch for new twitter account to be announced, a facebook account, a myspace, a website, and other group links for Angels for Gabriel.

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